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Things I want from the Peace Corps

Sep, 25, 2001
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Things I want from the Peace Corps, in no order, are

  1. A feeling that I’ve pulled off something immense
  2. Knowledge of rural living, including gardening, water sanitation, construction
  3. exquisite command of spoken Spanish
  4. Professional credentials
  5. Entry into noncompetitive federal employment pool
  6. An opportunity to serve
  7. An opportunity to study my self and learn about how “I” am

Note to readers: This is a review of my personal journal from my time as a Peace Corps Volunteer in the Dominican Republic more than a decade ago. I have done my best not to change what I wrote, even if I feel differently now. Part of the joy of reading old journals is seeing a story arc where I’ve learned new things.

The previous entry in this series is Today sucked ass. The next entry in this series is The effect of self-loathing on the language learner. You can see the journal entries as I post them hereIf you’re just starting, here’s the first entry.


September 25, 2001


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